Currently, no diseases have been shown to be attributed to bed bug bites, however, bed bug bites tend to itch profusely and to cause considerable redness, as well as swelling, on body parts of those who are allergic to the critters.
Learn ways to get rid of bed bugs HERE.
Get lots of information on how to keep bed bugs out of the home as well as what to do should you come in contact with bed bugs HERE.
Whether at home, in a movie theater, or traveling by bus, plane, or ship, everyone in your household should learn how to identify bed bugs. Of course, bed bugs do not want to be discovered. This is the reason they hide during the day. However, whenever someone happens to uncover bed bugs, even by accident, they should be prepared to get rid of them. Teaching children how to recognize bed bugs is also crucial. Learn how to identify bed bugs HERE.
What exactly are bedbugs anyway?
Bedbugs are bloodsucking hemipteran insects which simply means they are “true bugs” that are classified by their sucking beak-like mouth parts. Bedbugs are from the Cimicidae family. Common bedbugs or “Cimex lectularius” are the ones most likely to invade human households because they are the most adapted to human surroundings. Bedbugs are also known as kissing bugs, bloodsuckers, cone noses, and simply bugs.
These are only a few places bed bugs hide out in your home. Get more bed bug facts HERE.