Funny Stories

It Came From Outer Space

A cute tale for Halloween and any other time...

Without a second of hesitation, a speck slithered up a chilled glass of pink fluid and frothy effervescence while humans kicked up their heels at the Party Nights dance club. In all, two glasses sat at his disposal. Each looked equally as cool and inviting as the other. Their contents were fresh. Their ice was plump. Condensation freckled and slid down their curvaceous crystalline walls. Vying not to waste a single moment, the speck, having appeared from the table underside, chose the glass closest to the wooden rim. Of course, none of this really mattered - as far as timing goes that is - for no one was likely to spot “Speck” anyway, him being a... READ MORE HERE

Mimi's Stay Outside All-Day Day Children's eBook

A Neighborhood Showdown

Mimi Havfun devises a holiday of her very own one night while listening to older children raise havoc below her bedroom window. Once children in her neighborhood find out about her idea, they long to participate in her outing. But... Will she let them cut in on plans she thought up and constructed all by herself?

This story is written by author, R. Renée Bembry, who started teaching children to read when only a child herself. During middle school, she began writing children’s poems based on childhood experiences. As an adult who believes children need more challenging reading material, she created a program that teaches them how to improve reading and writing through constructing poetry.

R. Renée Bembry believes that her quest to motivate her own children to improve their reading and vocabulary skills played a tremendous role in landing ALL FIVE of them in college! Now she aims to spur other parents to push their children a little more as well by reading and re-reading her eChapter Books.

One reviewer says, “This book is full of fun! Good for young boys and girls who are advanced in their reading comprehension or for family to sit and read together.”

Download this chapter ebook to your Kindle or PC. When downloading to your PC, use the Free Amazon Reader located in the lower right-hand section of the book ordering screen.

Get the eBook HERE.